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We all have an opinion on something don’t we? Whether it’s on how the country’s being run, the latest conspiracy theory, the changing oil prices, how the game went last night, whatever it is we have an opinion and want to be heard. So why not get paid for your opinons?

All types of organisations hire market research companies to try and gain a competitive edge in their particular market, or to find ways of improving products and services by gauging our opinions on existing products and services.

These market research companies then offer various types of incentives for our opinions. One of the most popular ways of getting paid for opinions is via questionnaires, online surveys or opinion polls. You answer a series of questions which can take you down a maze of other questions and once you complete them successfully you receive a gift or a prize.

For example, who’d have thought that there would be any reward for answering a simple question like Is Trump Fit to be President? or even stating your opinion on whether Trump is doing a good job. Click on either statement to see what reward is currently being offered.

In a rush?

The best direct survey company that pays you for your opinions is Inbox Dollars.

The best survey aggregator is SurveyTaken.

Rewards from surveys, opinion polls or other types of questionnaires can be anything from a six month supply of groceries to electronic goods like the latest cellphone,laptop or game console, educational courses on a range of topics, trials or reduced prices for premium services, holidays to far-flung places, cinema/theater tickets, giftcards to use with well-known stores or even cash. For the gamers among us you can even obtain tokens for particular games.

This article will give an overview of some of these companies  – SurveyJunkie, Inbox Dollars, Pinecone, Opinion Inn – that offer incentives for your opinions.

SWIPE TABLE <===========>

Lowest Cashout Threshold Best For Overall Variety Biggest Welcome Bonus
How to join/Signup Process Email & Zipcode Email Email, postal address, dob, race Email & Zipcode
Signup bonus 25 points $5.00 0 $10.00
How to earn Surveys Surveys, games, videos, reading emails Surveys, product reviews Surveys, product reviews
Value per task 25+ points 0.50 - $5.00 300 points 0.50 - $100
Cashout Threshold $5.00 $30.00 300 points $25.00

Earning Directly Through Survey Companies

Advantages of earning rewards through surveys

  •  They tend to be relatively quick to complete ranging from a quick 5 minutes to a long 45 minutes depending on how in-depth the survey needs you to be.
  • Survey companies will reward you either in cash or points that can be redeemed for cash, giftcards or coupons. Cash can range from a few cents to a few dollars for each completed survey.
  • Survey companies are free and easy to join generally only needing you to confirm your email address before they send you out your first survey. Some may want your postal address.
  • Once you’ve joined up you will get access to new surveys either via your email inbox or when you login to the site.
  • All survey companies will require you to accumulate a certain amount of points or cash before you can withdraw from your account.


  • Some companies will demand a high cashout threshold for example $50 which may take a long time to reach.
  • Although you may receive lots of surveys, you may need to qualify ie fit a certain demographic for a specific survey. The best companies will qualify or disqualify you quickly with just a few questions, so as little time is wasted as possible allowing you to either complete the survey or move on to the next one.
  • Some are poor or late payers

Below are the most popular survey companies which gives you the opportunity to get paid for your opinions or for completing specific activities.

lowest cashout threshold; surveys only

SurveyJunkie is one of the oldest survey companies which pays you for completing surveys and questionnaires. 

Payment comes in the form of a points system which can be converted into cash once you reach 500 points. These 500 points are worth about $5.00 and can be reached after completing approximately 3 surveys.

To join SurveyJunkie you will need to provide your email, zipcode and date of birth. Confirm your email and receive 25 points immediately just for signing up. For an additional 50 points complete your personal profile where you will answer 16 – 22 questions which takes 5 minutes.

If you love surveys this is a great site as it is one of the few sites that concentrate only on surveys. Cash is paid via PayPal, giftcards or direct bank transfers.

Overall Impressions Of SurveyJunkie

Free and relatively easy to join. Need name, gender, employment status, email address, date of birth and zipcode.

Can be difficult to qualify for surveys

25 bonus points just for joining

Only available in USA, Canada and Australia

Choices on how to get paid

Will still get points if after screening, you don’t qualify for a survey

Can withdraw after reaching just $5.00

biggest choice of tasks; high cashout threshold

Inbox Dollars is a popular company which offers small amounts of cash for completing certain tasks. These range from offering your opinions on a wide variety of topics, reading emails,  watching videos and even playing games like sudoku, solitaire and many more. You’ll get paid on average between 0.50 to $5.00 per survey which can take anything from 3 minutes to 25 minutes to complete. Depending on the particular demographic they may be looking for, some surveys will pay as much as $20 or more.

To be honest you won’t get rich with this company or indeed any survey company, but you can earn some easy ‘pin money’ for simple tasks that can be done while killing time at home, at work, on the bus etc.  And who doesn’t like watching videos or playing the odd game anyway?

Overall Impressions Of Inbox Dollars

Easy to join – just need to confirm your email address

Need to build up to $30 before withdrawing any cash

On confirmation your account is credited with a $5.00 bonus

Can be difficult to qualify for surveys

Earn cash just for completing your profile

May have to answer several questions before finding out you’re ineligible for a particular survey

Receive surveys and offers direct to your email

Surveys are easy to complete

No points just straight up cash

Variety of ways to earn

Option to use cash earned to buy money-saving coupons for grocery, home and beauty products

exclusive, product testing and low cashout threshold

Pinecone is seen by many as the Rolls Royce of survey companies. It is exclusive, very difficult to join as it normally requires an invitation, and pays very well. Joining up requires your email, full postal address, date of birth and ethnicity

Like many of these companies you acquire points for each completed survey which can then be redeemed for cash or prizes

If  you become a member there are opportunities to test and evaluate products before they come to market. On initial sign up you will get a survey notification. Once completed you will receive 300 points which is equivalent to $3.00. Unusually you can redeem points as and when you like ie there is no minimum threshold.

Overall Impressions Of Pinecone

Good meaningful surveys

Generally need to be invited

Well paid with a minimum of 300 points per survey

Strict on the type of person they’re looking for

Surveys can be completed between 5 – 30 minutes

Receive just 2 – 3 surveys a month

Fast payouts 

Don’t get loads of surveys as you need to qualify for them

Will inform you quickly if you don’t qualify for a survey

No minimum withdrawal threshold

Good customer service

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–  choice of tasks including product testing; highest welcome bonus

OpinionInn takes the best from InboxDollars and Pinecone in that they offer a signup bonus and opportunies to test products pre-market.

Signing up requires a few more details than just your email address including full name, employment status, date of birth and postcode.
Once you’ve confirmed your email address $10 is credited to your account.
Cash can be withdrawn after you reach a $25 threshold which is really $15.00 plus bonus on your first withdrawal.
Surveys pay between 0.50 to $100 depending on the requirements of each survey.
You get a detailed description of each survey and the type of person they want eg survey for decision makers with over 100 employees in the company – so requirements can be very specific
There’s also the opportunity to enter into their monthly draw of $500 after completing 5 surveys in that particular month.

Overall Impressions Of Opinion Inn

Free and relatively easy to sign up. Need name, gender, employment status, email date of  birth and zipcode.

As survey requirements are very specific may be harder to qualify for many surveys.

On confirmation of email address, account is credited with a $10.00 bonus

Need to meet a $25 threshold before withdrawal.

Product testing opportunities

Very clear on type of person needed for each survey so less time wasted with qualifying questions

States the length of each survey you receive in your inbox

Earning Through Survey Companies Indirectly

Indirect survey companies are aggregators of other direct survey companies. This means that they provide you with surveys from a wide variety of other survey companes.

Similar to a mortgage broker or an insurance broker that refer you to the best lenders or insurance companies for your needs, survey aggregators refer you or recommend you for surveys from other companies that they think you will qualify for.

Survey aggregators by definition do not produce their own surveys and therefore do not pay you. The survey companies that you were referred to will reward you for completing the survey and pay the aggregator a small commission. This is a standard business model found in many industries involving a middle-man putting two parties together and  receiving a commssion eg a travel agent, eBay, a sharebroker, airBnB etc

Advantages of joining survey aggregators

  1. As there are hundreds of survey companies in existence, aggregators can save you the time and effort of researching these companies by sending surveys to you directly.
  2. You get a huge range of surveys to review and complete.
  3. They are free to join.
  4. It is highly recommended to use a separate email address as you can get inundated with offers and surveys.


  1. May want your postal address and phone number
  2. Likely to get bombarded with phone calls and emails from services wanting your business
  3. May get surveys from questionable companies
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numerous surveys available, very busy home page

Opinion City is seen by many on the internet as “questionable” – the number one reason being it is a survey aggregator that doesn’t pay you. That is a ridiculous reason as we’ve already established aggregators act as middlemen, nor do they ask for any money from you.

When you first land on Opinion City home page you are greeted with a number of reviews of various companies and the option to sign up for their newletter.

Signing up for the newsletter gives immediate access to a number of surveys and offers. Some of these companies will ask for your postal address which will be used for other market research opportunities, others are happy with just your email address.

I wouldn’t waste time reading any of their reviews on their front page because after choosing to join any of the companies just read about, you are simply taken to an “opportunity finder” website which has nothing to do with the review just read about. It’s an unnecessary distracton when all you want is access to actual surveys.

Overall Impressions Of Opinion City

Free and easy to join – just need  your email address for access to their newsletter which gives immediate access to surveys

Need to agree to receive additional offers from them before accepting your email address

Get started immediately after choosing up to 5 surveys to complete

Unnecessary and pointless reviews on their home page

Surveys can be completed between 5 – 30 minutes

Need to be alert for companies that request credit card details

Numerous opinion polls and surveys to choose from

Tend to exaggerate how much you can earn

option to do surveys and other tasks

SurveyTaken is a relatively new aggregator having started in 2018. They connect you with survey companies which will pay for your opinions and other companies that will pay you money for watching movies, browsing the web, reading emails and more.

Their home page is clean, simple and uncluttered. 

To join you answer 3 or 4 basic questions about yourself. Then you get your results telling you how many companies you have been matched with. Complete your email address and you’re away. Complete the surveys, get your rewards.

The individual survey companies will update you on available surveys via your email address.

Strangely there is no login option when you go return to SurveyTaken to check which companies they referred you to. You have to click on the join button again then input your email address and it will then take you to your recommended survey panels.

Overall Impressions Of SurveyTaken

Free and very easy to sign up with your email address 

No login option to SurveyTaken once you’ve joined – odd

Get access only to surveys relevant to your demographic

Surveys can be completed between 5 – 30 minutes

good choice of reputable survey companies

Survey Voices state that they match only the best sites with the best earning potential for you. Based purely on your interests and opinions they will match you with the most appropriate offers.

Joining up requires a lot of initial information from you including email, full postal address and phone number. Once you complete this you’re taken straight into a qualifying survey where they ask a few medical questions. Finally after completion you are immediately shown your survey matches.  While only a few were recommended to me I did recognize that they were highly reputable companies

Overall Impressions Of Survey Voices

Good quality recommendations

Only available to US residents

Free to join

Lots of potentially intrusive information required to join

Surveys are easy to complete

hard work to get survey recommendations

Surveys2Cash is another survey aggregator which aims to put you in touch with relevant surveys. However compared to the other aggregators getting access to the surveys is much harder.

You need to provide email, postal address and phone number. Once that is completed you receive a congratulatory message stating that you qualify to earn $100 per survey in less than 15 minutes. Once you click on that you get taken to a research company’s page where you are greeted with a list of initally nine offers which rapidly turns into about 100 yes or no questions. After wading through those you are then hit with several popups to accept or reject. Then and only then are you finally given a list of about 4 actual survey recommendations.

Overall Impressions Of Surveys2Cash

Free to join

Want your email, postal address and phone number

Receive 4 or 5 survey recommendations

Unrealistic promises of what you can earn


Need to navigate through about 100 questions and several popups before getting survey recommendations

Quick Tips

As it can be difficult to qualify for surveys from just one company, you have the option to join as many as you can to ensure a constant flow. With choices of joining both direct survey companies and survey aggregators you reduce your chances of not qualifying.

As soon as you reach the minimum threshold you should cashout.

You will be inundated with surveys and offers so it’s a good idea to create a new email account specifically for this.

Answer questions honestly as you only waste your time and won’t get credited when you get caught eg don’t lie about your age or nationality etc because they ask the same question in slightly different ways to catch you out.

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Best Direct Survey Companies

gold medal

Best for overall variety


If you love playing games, watching videos or even reading emails then along with surveys you're all set with Inbox Dollars

silver medal

Best for product testing with biggest welcome bonus


If along with surveys you like the idea of testing products and giving your opinions on possible improvements then Opinion Inn is the place for you

bronze medal

Best for survey lovers with lowest cashout threshold


If you love surveys and want to cashout as fast as possible with a minimum threshold of just $5.00 Survey Junkie should be top of your list

Best Survey Aggregator

gold medal

Best Survey Aggregator


If you want the best of all worlds with access to several survey companies that reward you for browsing the web, playing games, watching movies then SurveyTaken is your prime source

silver medal

Second Best Survey Aggregator


You may have to jump through a few hoops to get to the recommended surveys. But worth it to be referred to surveys that are appropriate for you based on your interests and opinions.


Surveys are a great way to express our opinions on various products and services and with opportunities to also test products before they come to market we can also play a small part in the development process. And the icing on the cake? We also get paid a few bucks just for our input. And with money getting tight for a lot of us, who can say no to that?

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